Press Release Service
Post Your Press Release To Thousands Of Popular News Sites
Get your press release distributed to thousands of news, blog, social network sites for MAXIMUM EXPOSURE
- Create valuable backlinks to IMPROVE RANKINGS AND TRAFFIC
- Target customers, business partners, investors, reporters, bloggers to CREATE BUZZ
- Press Release remain live for at least three years giving you PROLONGED VISIBILITY
- Search engine optimized to BOOST YOUR SERPs
Important Notes:
- Adult/gambling sites/information not allowed
- Delivery 10 days (guideline only)
Press Releases and Media Releases
As news and media outlets have and will always be a popular way of spreading the “word”, these marketing and advertising channels have increasingly migrated their services to the online marketing and online advertising industries. Press releases, media releases, news wire releases, PR 2.0, video press releases, and interactive press releases are just some of the newest names and formats for media outlet distribution. These particular channels have allowed news stories, news opinions, and news announcements to be released and syndicated through mainstream direct marketing / advertising channels and now through mainstream online marketing and advertising channels as well.
Some of the channels that are now distributed and syndicated to via these online channels are as follows- mainstream news websites (AP, Reuters, CNN, ABC, NYTimes, WallStreetJournal…), mainstream local news websites, local TV station websites, local newspaper websites, popular press release websites like, popular blogs and websites that are related to your niche, shared on social networks through social media, shared on video websites, shared through RSS feeds, shared through email, shared through SMS, and through mobile and smart devices.
As you can see, the options and channels has increased substantially over the years with the advancement of technology. By leveraging the effectiveness of professional PR services as part of your internet marketing and internet advertising campaigns, you will have the opportunity to spread your business message across thousands upon thousands of channels, mediums, and users all cost effectively. Some other important benefits of utilizing press releases and media releases within your online marketing strategies and online advertising campaigns are as follows- a business or website owner will be able to leverage mainstream media outlets to spread the word in a short amount of time and over thousands of channels, the live traffic and live exposure of press releases, the SEO and search engine marketing benefits, helping with branding a website or business name, and allowing for the continuous opportunity for consistent exposure via social media marketing and viral marketing channels.
Any business owner who has not started to use this form of marketing with their internet marketing mix should start to do so immediately to avoid missing out on a powerful tool. The numerous benefits of press releases by far outweigh the costs of using press release writing, distribution, and syndication services.
What is a press release?
A press release is a form of technical writing that is used for mainstream news and media distribution. Press releases can be used for a number of different situations for individuals, business, owners, website owners, non profits, corporations, and others. Some of the most popular forms are as follows– A major news story, a news story opinion, an update on a news story, an announcement, a new product or service launch, an update to a corporation or business, and many other forms and formats can be used for press release distribution.
How to Write a Press Release
When it comes to writing a press release that will be approved by major media outlets and major news wires, there are some guidelines to follow. The first tip for writing is to write from a third person perspective. Meaning, you do not want to use words like – you, yours, mine,. Instead, you would want to use words like – His, Hers, Theirs. The second tip is to follow the basic format that most major media wires and distribution services accept and use as industry standard. The different aspects for writing a press release are listed below-
Headline – The headline or title is a short attention grabbing phrase used to attract even more media attention and readership.
Dateline – The dateline is basically a time stamp of when the press release was either submitted or accepted for submission.
Introduction — The introduction or summary is a short version and description of your news release
Body — The body is the actual “meat and bones” of the news, press, or media release.
Boilerplate — The boilerplate is basically a truncated “about us” section which provides a brief background on a company or individual.
Close — The closing appears after the boilerplate or body, but before the media contact information. The closing of the article is usually indicated by the three “###” or the word “end”
Media contact information – This obviously where the media contact person and business contact person information is stated.
The third tip is to use relevant keywords throughout the entire press release. This means use a keyword in the title use a keyword or two in the description, use the keyword and keyword variables throughout the body (2-3% keyword density should suffice as media release should be about 3-400 words).
How to Submit a Press Release
When it comes to the actual submission process there are a few things every person or business should know. Using the main keyword and related or LSA keywords with in the title, summary, body, boilerplate, using of relevant keywords for keyword or tags input fields, adding your social media accounts(where and when applicable), adding a video to your release, adding images to your release, adding attachments to your release, and adding backlinks to your website, blog, or other web properties are all excellent tips and methods to improve your press release approval, syndication, readership, and effectiveness.
Distribution, Syndication With Paid Services
If you are not comfortable with attempting to write or submit a press release to major news and media outlets, you may want to consider using paid services. You can usually hire writing and distribution packages to save money. You should start utilizing and benefiting from the numerous perks press release marketing has to offer your business and website as it can be an incredibly powerful short-spurt tool to obtain credibility, branding, awareness and leads.