Internet Marketing Basics – On Link Building, Automatic Backlink Tools and Link Building Services

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backlink solutionsYou have an idea, a truly revolutionary idea, and the whole world needs to hear about it. They need to hear about it right away, the sooner the better. This can’t wait; you need exposure this very instant. Waiting to patiently build a dedicated following isn’t your style.

Ok, maybe it’s not that urgent, but marketing is not a strength everybody possesses, and for those that are inclined toward other pursuits, there are alternatives available which will increase traffic, boost both overall page ranking and search engine result page rankings.

First, Optimize Your Website

Before investing money in advertising or auto backlink generation programs, an exceptionally good investment of either time or money into your site is crucial. Spend some time or money and get SEO savvy; there are companies who specialize in SEO help, overhauling a website to bring it’s on-site SEO up to speed.

Improving Visibility through Link Building

Once the on-site SEO aspect is cleared away, moving your website into the limelight requires getting noticed, and to get noticed on the internet you need backlinks. The very nature of the internet is that it’s networked and interconnected, if your pages are only ever listed on the local host and only ever linked to from your personal browser homepage, then nobody else will ever know they are there. Naturally, this will be a problem if you are hoping to make an impact with the website, or make money off of the website.

In order improve the visibility of your website you need to get inbound links, pointing to the content you are providing. These links will start to grow slowly, over time, as long as the content is there and remains current. In order to short-cut this rather long and painfully slow process, however, there are alternatives which can be employed.

The most obvious option is to simply buy advertising on some select platforms which are relevant to your product or cause. Creating a short marketing video to run as a pre-roll advertisement (and adding a link to your site in the video’s description) on any of the major video hosting services is the most obvious means of doing this, alongside publishing on social media platforms. Either of these methods will cost over time and are moderately effective; after, all companies selling advertising have to be able to deliver visitors or this marketing model collapses.


Jumping to the far end of the spectrum, however, generating leads through using something like the Auto Backlink Bomb is a cost effective way to enlarge your backlinks list and address out to the masses at large. Essentially this is a program that, once set up with all the right information, will simply visit forums, blogs, and websites looking to post backlinks to your site on all available and hopefully relevant websites. Naturally this will not generate high quality leads, but rather it’s a mass marketing approach in which less than one percent of the addressed links will prove useful, in fact most will land in spam filters. However, the program is usually not too expensive, so it is a trade-off of sorts.

Backtracking to a tactic that is less mass marketing and slightly more targeted, customer focused, there are many link building strategies that will work well for a company. Traditionally, paid link building allows the owner of the site to delegate (and pay for, naturally) the link building process to a professional who can dedicate the time and apply the expertise to do so correctly. Essentially, you are paying somebody else to apply their skill and knowledge of the practice in order to get results, much like paying an accountant to deal with your personal taxes or a real estate agent to deal with buying or selling a home on your behalf.

Granted, there is the option spending the time to learn how to do these things personally, but time is valuable, and paying for a service that you cannot currently perform yourself allows you to focus on what you are capable of doing well for a profit.

Whether you are buying advertising on a social media platform or simply using some variation of any one of the numerous backlink solutions available, the end result is to get your website and its content seen by the people you want to have seen it. Whether it represents a not-for-profit charity organization or a game changing innovation that will change the world overnight, every site needs to have a consistent and well executed approach to generating traffic and getting itself known to the internet at large.

Final Thoughts to Keep in Mind

Anything that lands on the second page of Google has almost no chance of being selected. Humans are impatient as a species, and beyond the top five or so results, everything else just fades to insignificance. It pays to have some influence, and leveraging a marketing strategy, automatic or otherwise, to maximize the visibility of your site in order to enhance that influence is the name of the game.