Website Optimization Report
Get This Wrong You Get Penalized, Get This Right Scoring Rankings Is As Easy As Pie!
How do search engines really see your website? Do you have unique content? Are you keyword spamming? Are you linking excessively (or too little)?
These are the questions most webmasters ask themselves daily. It is something top SEOs can charge for as much as $500 for a single consultancy.
Here, we provide you with an amazing MUST HAVE REPORT about your site. At about 80 pages, it is a COMPREHENSIVE INSIGHT into your website as seen through the eyes of the search engine robots which tells you what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong.
Included are:
a. the report overview documentation
b. age of site
c. anchor text of inbound links
d. global link popularity of your site
e. use of keywords in titles
f. use of keywords in body text
g. keyword use in H1 headlines
h. keyword use in domain name, URL
… etc
Why should you get the Website Optimization Report?
- FIND OUT why your site is not ranking for certain keywords
- UNDERSTAND why your site got penalized by the search engines
- IMPROVE your site for better customer experience
- OPTIMIZE your site to improve your SERPs to get better rankings and traffic
“Its a life saver! After my site started plunging I thought it was bad inbound links but the report reveal some broken links, over used keywords and untidy code. Those were easily fixed and my ranks have started recovering somewhat – fingers crossed!!!!” – Cody Saranto, IL
“I’m not technically trained but at least I could see issues that I could talk to my web admin guys about. Its detailed and well organized so even I understand what the heck was happening.” – Marcus Jeremiah Jr., CA
“Thank god. I almost blew a bundle on an expensive seo contract to fix my site when I could DIY myself using WP.” – Deborah Skinner, OH
- Expected delivery 5 days (guideline only)
Why Should I Get A Website Optimization Audit?
Understanding what makes a website rank can confuse most webmasters. Search engines, most notably Google, use different parameters in their search algorithms that determine how websites rank in their corresponding search engines.
These algorithms, however, are constantly changing. Since they change every few months, sometimes every few weeks, it can affect how websites rank after a while.
These algorithm changes can even affect the smallest parameter associated with a website. As an example, websites ranking through certain keywords or key phrases may lose their ranking ‘overnight’ if a search engine updates their algorithms.
In other cases, a website or web page could lose their ranking, even if a search engine doesn’t update its search algorithms. To understand how both scenarios can affect a website, webmasters should use a ‘tool’ known as a search engine optimization audit to find out what affects their website’s search ranks.
The search engine optimization audit
Search engine optimization audits (or SEO audits) are known as a type of comprehensive website review, conducted to mainly find information regarding a website’s status after using search engine optimization to enhance its web content.
Search engine optimization audits are also known as a web optimization report, though audits themselves tend to feature more information than a typical web optimization report. Since they’re comprehensive in nature, they provide webmasters extensive information they need about each factor affecting their website.
Some of the key factors examined by a search engine optimization audit include:
- A website’s exposure on a search engine, generally against other keyword-related competition.
- A website’s reputation on a search engine.
- A website’s main structure, in addition to its link structure.
- A website’s link popularity.
- A full review of its site meta data and other issues with parameters like its domain name.
Most professional search engine optimization audit services review each part of a website, giving them comprehensive results regarding its performance in most search engines. The results of this report helps those professionals inform webmasters about possible changes they may have to make to their websites. This especially becomes necessary when they need to correct any SEO-related issues that might affect how their websites rank.
Many websites recommend to get a search engine optimization audit at least once a year. Some webmasters, however, may benefit from getting an audit every six months. This can help a webmaster effectively keep track of how users and search engines perceive their web content. Though, the perception of web content isn’t the only important reason why these audits are important. It’s also search engine optimization itself that makes their corresponding audits important to webmasters.
Search engine optimization audits… and webmaster tools
As mentioned, SEO or search engine optimization audits effectively inform a webmaster of their sites performance against others within search engines.
Website audits, with a significant focus on SEO, effectively gather data about how SEO affects the users on a website, in addition to how that same SEO works on the site. This performance data is collected by many individualized tools designed for the task, including the SEO tool suite known as Google Webmaster Tools.
As an example, the Google Analytics tool provides users with comprehensive information regarding how SEO works in correlation with the Google search engine. Their detailed SEO reports inform webmasters of their site performance through helping them identify opportunities to help maximize the number of visitors to their websites.
To go a little more into detail, the SEO reports of Google Analytics pulls SEO data for a site using four parameters or metrics that exclusively apply to Google Web Search data. These parameters are known as:
- Impressions. The number of times any URL or web link from a site appears in search engine results pages (SERP), viewed by a user.
- Clicks. The number of clicks attributed to websites from Google search engine results pages.
- Average position. The average ranking of a website URL for their targeted search queries.
- Click through rate (CTR). The number of clicks users may make, calculated through dividing clicks by impressions, multiplying the resulting value by 20 (clicks/impressions*20).
Other parts of Google webmaster tools include an SEO geographical summary report, which calculates user location data using the previously mentioned parameters. It also includes an additional SEO Queries report that informs users of the search queries that generated the most impressions for their site URLs.
Using these tools, SEO audits for websites simply provide webmasters more information about how their websites work on search engines—in this case, Google’s search engine. Webmasters are advised to get an immediate website optimization audit if they feel their website isn’t performing well in most search engine results pages.
A well done website audit can actually inform a webmaster of the problems with their actively running search engine optimization enhancements, essentially giving them an accurate report about what works for their site—and what doesn’t work at all.