Submission Services
Be seen in more than 250 web directories, 85 search engines and 50 message boards/forum and 550 US classified ad sites for one low price
- TREMENDOUS EXPOSURE to your services instantaneously
- CONNECT WITH CUSTOMERS and prospects looking for your products
- SAVE TIME in getting leads and sales, just imagine doing this yourself one-by-one
- CREATE BACKLINKS to your site, more pathways for customers to find you
- SUPER ECONOMICAL compared to PPC and many advertising methods
Important Notes:
- Delivery 5 days (guideline only)
What are online submission services for website promotion?
These days, achieving top keyword placement in search engine result pages seems to be taking a little more time than it used to. As many of the major search engines have learned to track, analyze, and reverse process what many supposed search engine marketing companies do for supposed overnight keyword placement, has caused the search engine optimization and search engine marketing industries to be an ever evolving issue for most website owners, webmasters, and affiliate marketing companies. Major search engines have also grown very aware of affiliate marketers and how they implement black hat SEO and gray hat SEO into their affiliate marketing campaigns, of which, has led to a huge recent flux in Google and other major search engines and their search result pages.
As complex as the internet marketing industries are, there are only so many paid and organic channels that can be implemented into a full blown internet marketing and internet advertising campaign for a website or business owner. By strategically utilizing each of the organic search engine marketing channels and mediums currently available, a website owner should and will start to see fast improvement on their website’s PR rank, keyword ranking and placements within major search engine result pages.
Organic Search Engine Marketing Services
Some of the most popular and well known organic search engine marketing channels are listed below-
1- Link Building and Advanced Link Building- This aspect of organic search engine marketing is vast and often complex. Link building entails a wide array of search engine marketing tactics executed in a strategic fashion. One example of a well rounded and somewhat strategic search engine marketing tactic are link wheels. A link wheel uses unique articles, blog posts, outbound blog networks, social media marketing channels, and social bookmarking websites. One way this link wheel could operate is by having one outbound blog as the main off site blog to post unique blog posts on. This blog will have back links to the main website and internal pages thereof. The other outbound or off site blogs will also have unique content, but point directly to the main blog. All of these blogs get posted on frequently with unique content, each having their own separate source and strategy for backlinks. Articles are then written about these blogs with anchor links back to them included within the article, of which, are then submitted to a handful of quality article directory websites. All of the blogs, blog posts, articles, and other web properties are all socialized through social media marketing channels, social bookmarking websites, and social bookmarking services.
2- Article Marketing – This specific type of organic search engine marketing is comprised of writing unique and well written articles, creating new accounts at the best article directory websites, and submitting your unique articles to several of these sites, of not one unique article per site if possible. Articles and author resource boxes should contain one way backlinks pointing back to your site, internal web page of your site, one of your blogs or web 2.0 properties, local directory listings, social profiles, and any other web property that fits into your link building campaigns.
3- Blog marketing and Blog Promotion – Creating and frequently posting unique articles and blog posts to use for your on site blog, for off site blogs and blog networks, and for other web 2.0 and web 3.0 properties with anchor links back to your web properties is another very popular form of link building services.
4- Press release marketing – By writing new worthy stories and utilizing paid press release distribution services is one very powerful form of organic search engine marketing, a great source for live traffic, and an even better source for authority backlinks for any of your web properties. If your story is created and formatted properly for major news wires, you could end up with a substantial amount of backlinks to your website, web properties, and press releases themselves.
5- Forum marketing – Using internet marketing channels that involve more of a personal touch by means of forums, message boards, new age chat rooms, live video chat are all great places to not only engage new users and possible clients, but also to gain more traffic to your website and web properties, on top of gaining even more back links for your link building campaigns.
6- Social media marketing – Leveraging social media marketing, social bookmarking sites, and other social media marketing services all allow for even more sharing of your content and web properties, more exposure, more traffic to your website, and more social signals for your entire organic search engine marketing campaigns.
7- Local Business Directory marketing and reviews- Another great channel for local business owners to tap into another powerful traffic source. By using local directory websites for business owners from websites such as – GooglePlusPages for Local Business Owners, YahooLocal, BingLocal,, Superpages,,, and Foursquare; a local business owner would be able to be placed directly within major search engine maps and local search engine results pages.
8- Website Submission Marketing and Web Directory Submissions – This type of submission is the act of submitting your website to numerous types of websites, web directories, blog directories, and other types of web property directories. Be advised ad aware of some of these supposed website submission services and DIY submission services as the majority of these website submission services are nothing short of a spam fest and will only end up having negative effects on your link building campaigns.
At the end of the day there are only so many internet marketing channels to consider for use in your search engine marketing campaigns. By laying out a strategic SEO and SEM plan before you get started, you and anyone else working on your link building campaigns will know exactly how to execute your link building strategies. As always- plan, set up, execute, track, optimize, test. Finally, rinse, wash, and repeat with new URL’s, strategies, networks, and services.
Some of the more popular paid online advertising channels are listed below-
1- PPC Advertising
2- Image/Banner Advertising
2- Mobile Advertising
3- CPM/CPL/CPA advertising
6- Affiliate network advertising
7- Rich Media Advertising
8- Blog advertising
9- Social media advertising
Search Engine Marketing Submission Services
Search engine marketing companies & SEM submission services are all a dime a dozen these days. Considering the proven statistics of organic search engine traffic versus paid traffic, hiring a professional internet marketing company that is well versed in search engine optimization and search engine marketing services is your best solution in this ever changing, rapidly evolving industry.