.GOV and .EDU Backlinks
Get 50 .GOV and .EDU Backlinks Done Manually and Safely
- Google loves authority links from .GOV and .EDU because they command respect
- Every back link mix MUST have some .GOV and .EDU’s to look suitably diverse and authoritative
- One of the rare services in the market that have pure MANUAL backlinking work that is natural and organic (due to this the turn around time is much longer than conventional services – but its a good thing!)
- Low OBL pages (outbound links) which are really high value
- Boost your website’s rankings
So why are .GOV and .EDU backlinks so amazing?
Look at it this way. If your typical .COM backlink was a Hyundai, an .GOV would be a JAG and your .EDU would be a Beemer. Everybody wants one but not everybody can get it. They are very difficult to obtain unless you are part of the government or educational fraternity – and even then would your boss or webmaster allow you to post all kinds of stuff?
That is the reason why Google loves .GOV and .EDU backlinks because only authority or trusted Internet users with the proper access can obtain these links. You could befriend someone in those circles and be allowed in – but then you would have more issues:
1. You need to keep posting and posting
2. You need to keep playing hide and seek with the forum GUARDIAN aka Mr Mod who doesn’t like spammers
3. After a few successful posts over many weeks you have a handful of links BUT these are not good enough because you have what – links from 2 or 3 domains? That’s not diversity in the eyes of Google.
Do you really have the time, the patience and the know-how to get all these links? We get you FIFTY.
This is where we come in. Thankfully we have our secret sources and we can get you these babies quickly and securely.
If you are concerned about building good quality links to improving your site rankings and raising your site authority, it is a very important – no VITALLY IMPORTANT, that you include in your portfolio of backlinks the most important and trusted links in the Internet: .GOV and .EDU backlinks.
Don’t Wait! Get your HIGH AUTHORITY LINKS within days not weeks, not months.
Why spend your time sweating and looking for elusive .GOV and .EDU backdoors when you can simply order here IN A FEW MINUTES WITH A FEW BUCKS?
“Over-delivered. Thank you!”
“Very professional. Will order again!”
Important Notes
- Delivery 10 days (guideline only)
What are EDU and GOV Backlinks?
Authority backlinks come in many forms, two of the most powerful forms of authority anchor links are the EDU back link and the GOV backlink. These specific types of authority links are some of the most coveted to incorporate into your link building strategies as they are perceived by search engines as more complicated to receive than a normal anchor text backlink from a regular TLD website. Be advised that simply focusing on one form or type of technique is not effective because a well rounded and diversified profile that is continuously worked on to obtain different types of juice from numerous channels consistently is the most effective way for improving search engine ranking positioning for the keywords you are working on.
In order to build link popularity, a website owner’s best choice is to start investing in their inbound and outbound internet marketing efforts across the board. One should utilize resources for on-site optimization, search engine optimization, SEM as well as advertising to build up the authority of your website in the eyes of Google.
Should You Buy EDU and GOV Links
When it comes to buying .EDU and .GOV backlinks, as with any other service, be aware of how this supposed back link service company is placing your links on these sites. Are they spammy links submitted with automated software from the same IP address ? Are they profile links ? Are they RAW URL’s, are they anchor back links, or are they contextual and placed with a quality post related to your website and the receiving website the post is going on ?
Backlink Tools, Softwares, Scripts and Services
Some of the more popular backlink tracking and backlink analyzing tools – SEOmoz, Maestro SEO, IBP, Webaudit, WebCEO, SEO suite, as well as the webmaster tools that major search engines provide for website owners.
Using any type of automated software, scraping, or tracking tool can sometimes be quite risky for a website owner to use considering the amount of gunk that are currently out on the market. Some of the risks of using these solutions are as follows- some anchor link software’s leave footprints and have reverse tracking, IP and proxy spamming and banning, search engine flagging/banning of website, delisting of website from search engine listings, poor results from SEM efforts, to many back links to fast may also get you flagged / banned from search engine listings, IP and website reported on spam forums and SPAM reporting websites, and many other detrimental after effects of using these spammy backlinking services.
How to Build Quality EDU Backlinks & How To Build Quality GOV Backlinks
Almost always the best option for executing your strategies or implementing any type of link popularity building campaign is by doing so naturally, organically, and almost always manually. Of all the methods available at your disposal, building authority links can become even more of a tedious task more so than normal link building tactics.
One of the most common methods of searching for relevant places to post your edu backlinks or gov backlinks, is by querying search engines with special commands to find specific and relevant places to possibly post your authority back link. An example of some of these special commands you could use to query search engines through their standard search tool bars are as follows-
For search engine queries- NOTE- Each search engine has their own unique commands for searching and querying for advanced search. Please review each major search engine commands for optimum results. Also, do not be afraid to try your own variations of searches and queries for different keywords and markets as you will most certainly experience varying results.
example keyword EDU forum
“example keyword GOV forum”
intitle:example keyword forum
inurl:example keyword EDU forum
example keyword .EDU blog
“example keyword .GOV blog”
intitle:example keyword .EDU blog
inurl:example keyword .EDU/GOV blog
“add comment” example keyword .edu
“post comment” example keyword .gov
example keyword members .edu
example keyword edu join
example keyword tag
intitle:tag example keyword .edu
intitle:post example keyword
example keyword .edu guest writer
example keyword .edu guest blog post writer
example keyword submit content .edu
example keyword submit article .edu
example keyword submit post .edu / .gov
example keyword submit .edu blog post
example keyword add article .edu / .gov
example keyword add blog post .edu / .gov
example keyword add content .edu / .gov
example keyword guest blogger wanted .edu / .gov
allintitle:example keyword .edu / .gov
allinanchor:example keyword .edu / .gov
allinurl:example keyword .edu / .gov
allintext:example keyword .edu / .gov
Monitoring With Backlink Checkers
Analyzing your back links properly these days will usually require some use of paid backlink services. You can also track back links and other analytical within each search engines’ web master tools dashboard and analytical web tracking services like ahrefs. Test, track, and optimize your results – there is NO quick rocket to the top. It requires a lot of patience and diligence which can get you rich rewards.