Article Submission Service
Be seen in more than 250 web directories, 85 search engines and 50 message boards/forum and 550 US classified ad sites
- TREMENDOUS EXPOSURE to your services instantaneously
- CONNECT WITH CUSTOMERS and prospects looking for your products
- SAVE TIME in getting leads and sales, just imagine doing this yourself one-by-one
- CREATE BACKLINKS to your site, more pathways for customers to find you
- SUPER ECONOMICAL compared to PPC and many advertising methods
Important Notes:
- Delivery 5 days (guideline only)
What is Article Marketing?
Article marketing can be defined as the acts of writing, posting, and submitting articles to well established and quality article directory websites. Article marketing for business owners can serve many purposes and provide many different types of benefits for a business owner’s website. Article marketing is one of the oldest and most popular forms of content marketing and link building strategies used by website owners to increase website traffic, backlinks, followers, fans, popularity, branding and SERPs.
Some of the Main Benefits of Article Marketing are as follows-
- Article marketing generates new and live traffic to a website
- Can help with building back links to a site
- Helps with creating more search engine results for keywords and industries you are working on by means of authority article directory sites.
- Can be used to help with furthering the brand a business
- Article marketing can be used to help with online reputation management
- When used frequently with submitting to new article directories consistently, will help as one part of a diversified link building campaign.
Article Writing
When it comes to writing articles for your website, there are many different styles of writing. Deciding on the purpose and use of an article before writing it should help with coming up with an idea for the article itself. When writing an article for general purpose use online, simply think back to your school days. You will need a short title that grabs the reader’s attention, a short summary of your article that teases people to read the rest of the article, the content or body of an article, the closing of an article, and a short resource about the company or individual.
Writing an article that people will enjoy or reading or would want to read in it’s entirety, is the single best strategy. Whether your purpose is for SEO or for general exposure, crafting a quality and well written piece will help ensure you attract all of the benefits. Here is how a quality document that is well written can receive a wide audience and readership. You write a quality piece of content and submit it to several authority directory websites. Your article is then read and shared from these sites to social media channels. As your article is shared, commented on, liked, and tweeted; it is gaining even more exposure and readership. Now from an SEO and search engine marketing perspective, your document is being passed around, shared, and syndicated with your contextual backlinks. Furthermore, this allows for additional link creation with specific keywords, additional website promotion, more website visits, and an increase in overall link popularity being passed along to your website and keyword rankings within search engine result pages.
Article Spinners and Spinning Software
A lot of people and companies these days like to use software, services, and scripts to rewrite, re-purpose, and spin their original and unique first version articles. Use of these types of software and scripts for re-purposing content is NOT seen as a white hat SEO or white hat search engine marketing tactic. As there are many ways to use content spinning software and scripts, it makes no sense at all to take a unique and well written article, spin it, and submit it all over the place. Many scripts attempt to rehash sentence structures, replace words with synonyms and jumble the sequence. The end result is usually passably readable but will still not be totally unique. A simply Copyscape test will reveal that at least 20% of your text are not unique. This is sufficient to get your site penalized. You are in essence watering down, if not hurting your websites progress with SEO, SEM, and organic keyword rankings. You have been warned: use these content spinning solutions at your own risk.
How to Go About Getting Submissions on Article Directories
After you have your well researched and well written article, you are ready for the article submission process to article directory websites, and other types of industry related websites that accept articles and guest posts. The first thing you will need to do is find a list of article directory websites that still have some authority with search engines. Included below is a list of top article directory websites that accept unique, well written, and informative content-
After finding a good list of article directories to submit your content to, you will need to create new author accounts, and add as much info and credentials to your new author profiles. After creating your new accounts, filling out profiles, and creating your resource boxes for your articles, you are ready for the actual article submission process. Submitting an article is fairly straight forward and simple. Follow each different article directory website submission process step by step.
The article submission process is typically conducted as follows: add your title, summary, body, closing, resource box, select a category, add keywords and tags, and complete any other additional tasks required before submitting your article for a final approval by the article website administrators and editors.
Article Submission Services and Software
Some people use other article marketing services and solutions for creating and syndicating their content online. The different options people sometimes use instead of doing it themselves or by doing so manually are as follows- Article writing services, submission services, marketing packages, marketing software, and marketing scripts. Be advised that using some of these services and solutions may do more harm than good. Hiring a writing company is one thing, but hiring a fly-by-night contractor these days is most often a risk more than a reward for website owners trying to increase their organic traffic and rankings. Automated solutions are not the answer either, manually submitting your content to article directory websites is always the best practice for optimum article marketing performance.
Incorporating article marketing into your Search Engine Marketing strategies in tandem with SEO, will all help your internet marketing campaigns achieve success “across the board”.