Get More Pinterest Repins with these Tricks and Tips

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Pinterest followersBased on the latest stats on social media, there are now about 70 million Pinterest users across the globe, and the number continues to rise every day. Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networks today. It was first launched on March 2010 and after 3 years the network has already amassed tens of millions of users worldwide. It will soon breach the 100 million-user mark by early months of 2014.

Pinterest is a social network that is mainly driven by photo sharing. Unlike Facebook and Twitter that mainly highlight statements and contents, the main timeline feed of Pinterest features photos uploaded and shared by the members. While members and users can insert comments on the photos, the comments are shown right below each photo in smaller fonts.

Because of the rising popularity of the network, internet marketers are now highly encouraged to include Pinterest in their social media marketing mix. The interesting statistics below are enough to give you more reasons to start doing Pinterest marketing today.

Interesting Pinterest Stats 2013

  • About 20 million of the 70 million users are socially active by pinning, repinning, or liking images.
  • Majority of the total users, or approximately 71%, are from the United States of America. They also represent 79% of the active users, or roughly 20 million members.
  • Approximately 80% of the total pins are Pinterest repins.
  • On an average, users spend 14.2 minutes in Pinterest in every visit.
  • An average user spends 98 minutes in the social network per month.
  • There are already 9 million Pinterest users that have connected their account to Facebook.
  • Pinterest receives monthly page views of 2.5 billion.
  • The social network recently achieved a new milestone by hitting 10 million unique monthly U.S. visitors, faster than other independent networks.
  • About 69% of the online consumers reported that they found the items that they were looking for at Pinterest.
  • 25% of the companies in the Fortune Global 100 have Pinterest accounts.
  • 70% of the brand engagement is generated by the users and not by the brand. In fashion and retail industry, only 18% of the content engagement was driven by brands while the rest by the community.
  • Consumers in the U.S. follow approximately 9.3 retailers on the network.
  • Pinterest has the highest consumer spend per order at $140 to $180. This is a far cry from the average spending in Facebook and Twitter at only $80 and $60 per order, respectively.


What the Stats Say

One of the striking information from the statistic above is the high consumer spend per order in Pinterest that dominantly surpassed all the other social networks including the industry leader, Facebook. This only shows that many users are online shoppers, and they are financially capable of making expensive purchases online. It is, therefore, a treasure cove of prospect buyers with money and ready to buy.


Another interesting data is the high percentage of repins at about 80% of all pins. This is a good sign that the users are socially active, given the fact that they repinned the interesting pins of the other members. Thus, one of your marketing strategies should focus on getting more repins to sustain your campaign. A repin in Pinterest is equivalent to Facebook share.

In order for other users to repin your pins, you must therefore make your pins truly exciting, absolutely unique, really awe-inspiring, amazingly beautiful, and worth sharing with to others. There are actually many factors that come into play here.

Among them are the resolution-quality of the image, the uniqueness of the photo, creativity in photography, and visuals and color effects, among others. You can start from some of these elements when working on increasing the repin rate. On top of that, here are a couple of tips and tricks to boost your campaign and to get more repins from your fans.

Tips on Getting More Pinterest Repins

Pin Unique and Exciting Images

Just like in content marketing, utmost uniqueness is one of the core drivers of repins. The uniqueness of your photo will attract many viewers, and since it is something not found elsewhere, some of them will share your image to their friends for them to appreciate your photography, as well.

Take Note of the Color

Colors make a lot of differences to click-through-rate. Based on a study by Curalate on marketing using Pinterest, between bluish images and reddish images, pictures that are dominantly or strikingly red will double your repin rate compared to images that are predominantly blue. Also when it comes to color, stay away from pinning single-colored images. You will get approximately 3.25 times more repins if you pin multicolored images.

In terms of saturation, adjust the saturation rate to 50% to enjoy 10 times more repins. Likewise, the brightness of the image must be given due attention to. Dark photos will be repinned 20 times less compared to photos that are medium-bright.

Build Niche-Specific Pin Boards that Standout

Your pinned photos are not the only component that attracts more repins. Your pin board is similarly a crucial element. Along this line, build a niche-specific board that is well-positioned to laser-targeted audiences. People will share files that are in line with their interests. By capturing users with like interests, you will attract more repins from them.

This is plain logic. If you are interested in travel, you will obviously repin the photos of other travelers that you find interesting. Repin also acts as a bookmark. They will show up in your pin board for future access. You will repin vacation destinations that you would to travel to later on. These repins will stay in your board and they will serve as motivation.

This principle also applies in other niches. So if you have followers to your niche-specific board, you can quickly get repins from them since you are sharing common interests with each other.

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, repins may comprise the bulk of total pins in Pinterest, but the bottom line is still the original pin. By pinning unique and creative images to laser-targeted audiences, repins will come naturally without exerting extra effort in getting them.